
It feels like a dream

(Writen on July 20, 2008)

It feels like a dream

It feels like a dream that I met him

Like I loved him and I still do

Like years gone so fast

Like I can’t believe that

I met such a wonderful guy

It feels like a dream

Like a dream that came true

Not the way I wanted

It’s so strange yet so good

It happened even better

Than I ever thought it would

It feels like a dream

That we never really fought

Of course some disagreements

Yet never something terrible

It feels just like a dream

That what I remember

Is always something good

Something nice or sweet or fool

It feels like a dream

When I imagine your picture

You and me smiling

It’s like a dream when I’m thinking

How long will I be dreaming?

How long will we be waiting?

To know if we are belonging

To know if you are the one for me…


Enjoying life

(Writen on July 18th, 2008)

I enjoy walking slowly

Looking up and down

At the wonders surrounding me

I enjoy running with a nice breeze I enjoy life as it comes With its ups and downs.

I enjoy listening to people

With an interesting story to tell

To discover someone’s secrets

I enjoy meeting new friends

And in each one a true human being

I enjoy listening to music

And feeling the sweet harmony behind it

Or the screams of hope or anger

From the ones trying to express them

I enjoy the melody of life

Playing the flute along it

And I love singing with the wind

Or writing the story of my life

Drawing the wonders of the world

Gazing at what Lord has made

I enjoy looking at someone’s eyes

Wondering about their life

What they think and feel and love

I enjoy learning all kinds of things

And I enjoy helping others

Doing something I am good at.

I enjoy smiling

And making someone smile even more

I like to think and wonder

So many things I ponder

I enjoy imagining crazy dreams

Or trips or stories or things

I enjoy talking

About something that’s important for me

Or interesting to others

I enjoy traveling

Through the world, through life

In an adventurous journey

I enjoy getting lost

In a city, in the mountains, in the jungle

Or in my mind, my thoughts, my world

I enjoy having no place to go

No date or time where I must be

Enjoying what I enjoy to do

I enjoy being alone

In the times for myself to think

I enjoy being with people

Enjoying their presence and their lives

I enjoy to be loved

As I enjoy loving even more

I enjoy solving problems

And I enjoy learning from my mistakes

I enjoy opening my eyes

And stop to admire the beautiful things,

Surprises and details that life can bring

I enjoy closing my eyes

And reflect of all of me

I enjoy the darkness and I enjoy the light

But what I enjoy the most

Is always enjoying what I enjoy in life

I enjoy the peace and quiet

As I enjoy the noise and fun

The peacefulness in a forest in silence

Or the life and excitement in a city

I enjoy surprises

I enjoy my life, my family,

My friends

I enjoy having seven siblings

And everything about them.

I enjoy having it tough

Because I know that with hope

I’ll be stronger each day

I enjoy feeling the difference

Of each wondrous way

Of each person’s life

With a unique precious soul

I enjoy so many things

I cannot tell you

What I enjoy the most