
Haber Haber 0.o

Hola ke onda.. soy Markoz, Markoz Nieto como pueden ver, jajaj oye k paso con la pg ya nadie se mete o ke onda, cheken las fotos digo, no creo ke ya las allan chekado todas todas.. y ps los ke tengan algo ke comentar comenten, ya sea para reirse un rato o poner algo bonito lo ke kieran pro ps hagan mas contacto con la pagina ke no se kede atras pk ha valido la pena y ke no deje de ser asi.. pongan comentarios en las fotos, es muy pipi la vrd.. prdon la palabra pro ps si es pipi.. digo hasta yo me rio de las cosas ke me ponen.. se pasan pero jajajaj de veras ke si me rio.. pro weno a los ke la siguen chekando y todo.. ps Gracias enserio, nos vemos a la prox..

Por cierto, he tokado ya varias veces con “AsDf” la banda de enrike, la cual el ya se salio y ahora solo kedan 3 (Angel, Teko y Daniel) y ps me invitan a tokar el teclado, namas hago como ke un poko de acompañamiento pero la vrd si me gusta mucho y esta muy shido todo.. nos seguimos viendo luego pongan noticias tmb si no saben preguntenme o preguntele a rafa no tengan miedo de preguntar shiavos… weno, la vemos luego a vai


Rainy Days

Rainy Days

                  By Ana Nieto



It’s such a cloudy day today.

I wonder why

Do people cry.

It’s just a sad day today.


I look out the window

It’s raining outside….

I look from the bar

God’s tears from the sky

Cuzz’ the world’s in war.


Sometimes I think

That man himself shrinks

That with so many wars

And with all that blood shed

A sky filled with red

We’d see ’nstead of stars.


And I am not lying

When I say God is crying

He sees man betraying

Yet none of them praying.


 It’s sad everywhere

There’s hate everywhere,

It’s all full of greed

Yet so full of need.

But this is my world

And everyone’s world,

A world full of tears.


It rains in my eyes,

It tears in the skies,

So melancholic this world full of lies,

And I don’t understand

Why there’s so much pain,

But I know that God’s crying…

Because our love is dying.


So smile

So smile

                  By Ana Nieto



Yes, I’ve felt my eyes like drowning

And I’ve felt I can’t no more,

Yes, I’ve felt mi face like frowning

Yet I tell myself again

What I’ve been fighting for…

And so I smile….


Something inside me floods me with sadness,

Such a madness that wants to blow above;

And over and over I say: no one understands,

But this something

Can only be cured with love….

And so I smile….



So I keep living

And I say to myself: Yes you can!!

Happiness is all I’ve been giving

When inside I’ve felt I can’t…

And even so… I smile….


“Never give up” said someone too

But when you feel like falling

Nothing will do,

The only thing that keeps you standing

Is when someone says: “I love you”…

And so I smile….


So I looked up to the sky

And stopped asking God why,

I knew this sorrow would last a while

Yet God made me smile.

And there I stood

And God made me realize,

Yes, I understood

Why God gave me no better gift

That the most beautiful gift…. of Life….

                So smile!!



Dedicated especially for Ann and Charles Boles.